Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Carolina whirlwind (pt 2)

Day 3: I haven’t been on a JetSki in probably 20 years so when I saw the option to jet ski in Hilton Head I knew I had to book it! It was Mike’s first time on a JetSki and it was my first time ever driving one. We went through Lowcountry Watersports and had so much fun! (this is the same company we were supposed to do the creek cat tour through)

On the JetSki

We had a blast racing around on the JetSkis

We originally booked one JetSki for the two of us since it was cheaper...But the other people on our tour didn’t show up and the staff was nice enough to let us each have our own -no extra charge!

I kept trying to see how fast I could get it to go and I think I eventually made it to 72 KM per hour… Mike was only at 30 something so I teased him about it. We then realized that his was set to miles and mine was set to kilometers. He about fell off his ride trying to outdo me. Whoops!

The rest of day was spent driving five hours to Asheville. We got to Asheville around 5 PM and due to logistics (and also needing to eat dinner) we didn’t get any sightseeing in. We did play some games though. (Thanks, Mike!)

Day 4: We had tickets for Biltmore at 11 AM and we were told to be there an hour early.That gave us plenty of time to get to where we need to go and also walk around some of the shops beforehand. None of us had been to Biltmore so this was new to all of us. 

Biltmore is a national historic landmark and is known as America's largest home. It is one of North Carolina's most popular tourist destinations, but before it was a tourist site it was the home of the Vanderbilt family. It contains 35 bedrooms, 43 bathrooms. and 65 fireplaces and was meant to be a place of rest and relaxation for friends and family. 

Inside of Biltmore
Biltmore Gardens
Biltmore Gardens

After our guided audio tour of Biltmore we ate lunch at the stables and then walked around the gardens for a bit. It was a very nice, beautiful space! 

After leaving Biltmore you go through Biltmore village where they had a small animal farm, garden railway, and shops.  I spent all my time at the little farm while my dad went and found the garden railway. ;)

Another thing on my list in Asheville was the Blue Ridge Parkway scenic drive. We had some time after Biltmore so we decided to hop on the parkway for some views. I imagined it would be similar to the Going-to-the-sun drive in Montana where there were places to stop and take pictures, hike, etc.  (I was right!)

The drive is 252 miles along the length of western North Carolina and is supposedly one of the most scenic drives in the states! We, of course, weren't going to drive the whole thing, but we drove a little bit... it was a little rainy and getting foggy so it wasn't really an ideal situation. I bet the views are spectacular on a clear day -especially at sunset and especially in the fall with the leaves changing colors!

Pretty views

I know there are more things to do in North and South Carolina, but Asheville and Hilton Head were the cities I chose as they were the most interesting to me. Neither state was ever really on my radar as a "MUST DO," but as I'm trying to visit all 50 states, everything now is a MUST DO!

26 states down. 24 to go!

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