Wednesday, March 13, 2013

1 Month Down... 1 Month To Go!

I'm trying to decide if this trip is flying by or not.... in the beginning it was. When we were staying with host families (usually for a week at a time) it seemed to go by rather quickly. Now that we're on our own and running out of plan, it's a little more complicated. 

Ever since we left the Lazy Fish (Picton) we've been staying in hostels. We usually do our planning for the next day in the evenings and don't figure out a place to stay until day of. Anyone who knows me, knows that's a little nerve wracking as I always like to plan WAY in advance.  

This is one of the reasons why I thought this trip would be good for me. I'm so used to having a plan every second of every day and I knew that when I got here it would be a totally different experience. Some of the things you can't plan until you get here which makes it even more difficult.

It's also hard with 2 people traveling together who are COMPLETELY different and want different things. Thankfully we've been pretty good together.  Yes, we have our differences and we have our moments, but its been good. I'd much rather travel with someone than on my own. 

So yes... I've been here for a month now and I still have another month to go.  Staying with families a week at a time helped in a number of ways. 1. Free accomodation. 2. Free food (yummy!)  3. Kiwi interaction 4. less stressful ... which is why time seemed to pass so quickly. Here and now as we're living on a day to day plan it seems like April 13th will never get here.  I'm still enjoying my time here, but I'm exhausted.  I'm tired of planning things and booking things and paying for things (even internet)... blagh.  If I hadn't purchased flights and tours and everything, I would probably come home earlier. 

But hey, that's just how I'm feeling at the moment. 

In other news.... 

We drove one of the world's top 10 scenic drives the other day. (Greymouth to Westport)  And then Tuesday was glacier day. Walked up to Franz Josef Glacier and took some pictures and then we drove to Fox Glacier and did a guided tour. Walking on the glacier was a lot easier than I thought. It helped that it wasn't slippery. :)

^^Should have ditched the glasses


Tomorrow or Friday should be BUNGY DAY!!! I'm so pumped! I think I'm going to do the Thrillogy where I can pick 3 different jumps! You know there will be a whole post dedicated to that so stay tuned.  :)

Also, here's a map of JUST the south island. We started at point A (Mar 8) and are somewhere between F & H at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. Great post. Very informative. I also came across some good deals for Hotel and Flight bookings on
