Saturday, October 21, 2017

Pat Part 2

You know you're a traveler when you take a million photos of the same thing at a million different spots trying to get the perfect picture that you hope will do it justice.  And no picture ever does. It’s funny because you worry the first time you see it will be the one and only time even though the views only keep getting better. Just today: I took pictures of a mountain from inside the car because it was so pretty only to realize we kept getting closer and closer (outside of the car) for even better shots. I just don’t want to miss capturing any of the beauty.

We did a longer hike today and had a bigger group, but everyone was so nice to talk to. I couldn’t be happier because all of this is part of the travel culture and Mike is finally experiencing it! He can now see why I love it so much! Not only is traveling amazing for getting to see some of the most beautiful places on the planet, but you get to experience culture, food, and people from all over the world. The world isn’t all bad and traveling proves that. Watching the news can be so depressing and it seems like everyone hates everyone, but the world is full of so much love.

Enough sappy... here are some pictures from today!

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, mountain, sky, cloud, outdoor and nature

Image may contain: mountain, sky, cloud, outdoor and nature

Image may contain: outdoor
P.S. I've been able to practice my Spanish since being down here. I forgot how much fun it is! Today, as my friend and I were waiting for the rest of the hikers to get back, the bus driver started talking to me in Spanish. He spoke very little English and I speak little Spanish so it was a lot of fun trying to communicate. We were very good at Spanglish. :) I think he has been my favorite person in Chile to talk to. It’s one thing if a native Spanish speaker is fluent in English and it’s completely different when they’re not. It’s less intimidating and not embarrassing because you’re both learning and pulling resources together to communicate. I LOVED it!

I’d like to think I’m decent at Spanish, but so often I get discouraged by all the things I don’t know. For example, if someone is talking fast I won’t be able to follow them, but I’ll maybe catch a couple words. I do, however, know enough words and phrases to get by and use Spanglish to communicate somewhat effectively. (Or that's what I’d like to think)

P.P.S. I found some people that have traveled to all 7 continents and were RAVING about Antarctica so guess who is now on board to go with me?!? (I’ll give you a clue... I think the travel bug bit my husband) hehehe

1 comment:

  1. That’s right sister! I stopped watching mainstream news years ago. The ruler of this world would like to keep us divided and suspicious of each other. Like you said all it takes is to go out there and meet people to find we are all the same, humans. You have such a sweet loving spirit! Just think how much Jesus loves us all and how creation praises and glorifies the creator through it’s beauty! It was sweet to hear the laughter on the videos! The place surely makes you feel so close to our Lord!
