Friday, June 7, 2024

GEJ: Jordan (pt 1)

Day 9: Today we said goodbye to Egypt and hello to Jordan! The transitions have been seamless as we’ve had people meet us straight away and help us get through customs, get our visas, etc. It was also nice to have one tour guide for the entirety of our visits and have it be completely private tours! 

Our first stop was Mount Nebo. The view was pretty and, on clear days, you’re able to see the Dead Sea and even Jerusalem! It was here that Moses viewed the promised land, which he was not permitted to enter due to his disobedience.

We then drove a couple hours as we headed to our next destination... But first! A stop at Little Petra! 

Little Petra is also known as Siq Al-Barid and is located north of Petra.

As its name suggests, the site is much smaller which makes it easier to walk around. It’s free to visit and not very crowded. It also has buildings carved into the walls of the sandstone canyons.

The hotel we stayed at was called Petra Guest House which was literally right by the entrance to Petra! On our first (and only) night there, Mike and I went to Petra by Night.  It’s an experiential and musical show which happens 3 times a week. Basically, it’s seeing Petra at night all lit up. They also had a flute and violin player so you could sit and listen to their performance while viewing Petra. 

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