Saturday, June 8, 2024

GEJ: Jordan (pt 2)

Day 10: PETRA!!! This caravan-city is situated between the Red Sea and the Dead Sea and was an important crossroads for many places. Petra is half built/half carved into the rock and is surrounded by mountains riddled with passages and gorges. It’s one of the worlds most famous archaeological sites and is a UNESCO world heritage site!

Our guide told us Petra used to see thousands of tourists in just one day. Now, because of the off season and because of the war, there might only be 100 or so a day.

Everywhere we went we saw people really struggling to survive because tourism is such a huge thing for them, but no one is visiting now. 

I asked him the same question I asked our guide in Egypt… what would you say to people who are scared to visit?

I was one of those people who was scared - scared of Egypt and scared of Jordan, but we felt completely safe the entirety of our trip and everyone took such good care of us. 

…safety discussion to be continued in later blog…

We left Petra sometime after lunch and made our way to Wadi Rum! Wadi Rum is in southern Jordan near the border with Saudi Arabia. It’s a huge desert landscape with narrow gorges, natural arches, cliffs, etc. 

Our hotel that we stayed at was Memories at Aicha and it was lovely! We took a jeep/sunset tour and got some beautiful photos!

A number of movies were filmed here such as: Dune, Aladdin, Star Wars, The Martian… the list goes on!

They had multiple other tours you could sign up for as well and, if we had stayed longer, we probably would have signed up for some! 

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