Saturday, March 2, 2013

last few days in Rotorua...

Sorry about the delay in pictures, but this our kiwi dad, Hamish, who took us out on the boat!

Also did some kayaking and white water rafting before we left Rotorua. The waterfall we went over is the highest commerically rafted waterfall in the world. (Grade 5)

So... for everyone who has had red flags about anything I've posted, here's the scoop: 
(people expressed concern about taking a boat ride from a stranger) 

I am usually always skeptical of people. I don't trust people easily.  Over the past couple of years I've had to (re)build confidence in myself and have even built up more trust and faith in God. (He got me here, didn't He?!)  

The one thing that was lacking was trust in other people. This whole trip is based on trust and faith. It has to be. Living with complete strangers, trusting that they're going to treat you well, etc.  My travel companion is a bit more trusting than I... she'll hitch hike and hang out with complete strangers. 

I think part of the (backpacking) experience is that a lot of people are in the same boat you are. If you don't trust other people, you're in deep trouble. You can't do it on your own. 

My creeper alert is always on.... just ask Carla. I'm a lot more cautious, but I have yet to experience any creepish activity or red flags. Well, I take that back.... there was one instance, but it ended up being totally fine.  

So basically... I don't know what I'm trying to say.  People are a lot more trusting over here and things are done a little differently as well. Hamish, the guy with the boat, has a house in the south island. His wife said they would give us a key and we could stay there if it was on the way. WHO DOES THAT??! Some random person you just met.... giving them access to your rental house?  

I don't know... I think part of it is you have to come and experience kiwi culture for yourself.  But don't worry... I'm being careful! Trust me. :)

SO.... yesterday was a long, horrible, travel day. (Horrible as in no fun)  We were on the bus from Rotorua to Wellington and that took about 7 hours. We then took the ferry from Wellington to Picton (another 3 hours or so) .... 

We spent the night in a hostel (AH, first time) ... and that was okay. Woke up this morning and took a nice long walk to the bay (again, we're good at that!) ... and now we're sitting at this amazing place in Picton called the Lazy Fish. (only accessible by boat) We'll be helping out here for a few days in exchange for meals and accomodation. It's SUPER nice. Rooms are $680 or something a night and we have it for free (because we're working) 

I'll post pictures in the coming days. 

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